Why we can’t we get away from toxic friendships

2 min readAug 10, 2020

A conversation with me, alone.

There is a line in Modern Family, by Haley “You made me feel bad about myself, hence I can’t be with you.”

This is a very simple yet powerful statement that most of us dream of saying. But almost all of the time we stop after the first word.

SS: Why do we do that?

EK: As the popular line goes “We seek love we think we deserve”. Maybe that’s why we keep toxic people in our life. Maybe because we think we deserve to made to feel bad.

This can go beyond relationships and towards friendships. Everyone of us have toxic friends, friends who make us feel like we don’t belong anywhere. That feeling of nowhere, realizing that your inside circle is actually an outside circle, is the worst.

Haley in Modern Family.

But who am I to tell you that. This article is a result of some of my friends making me feel like I don’t belong anywhere, friends with whom I can talk to. But sadly, I have this post as my friend. Maybe this is how technology has replaced humans. They have replaced our people to become our friends. And maybe I like that. This laptop doesn’t make me feel alone, It’s the only thing that is with me right now.

The Biggest question that comes in my mind is “Why do I still have them as my friends?”. Let me figure this out. I don’t leave my toxic friends behind because I have nowhere to turn to. Maybe fake, but it IS my inner circle. If I go my own way I would be standing at the center of a big circle. Alone. They say that the population is growing, then why do we have less friends as time passes on?

SS: Does it hurt more when compared to being deceived in a relationship?

JG: Yes.

